Episode 89 - The Downward Trend in Religious Affiliation
In today’s episode, Brett and Jake engage with deep questions of the heart as they discuss the shrinking church. While they begin by citing Canadian stats, this trend is evident in other Western countries. Brett and Jake address why it is that culturally speaking, Jesus isn’t seen as relevant anymore. They also share some thoughts on why it’s crucial that the Church as a whole accepts a share in the responsibility of this downward trend. The following episode does not seek to provide all the answers to these difficult topics, but rather to engage in a meaningful conversation about them. We hope you find this conversation enlightening as we journey together in the way of the heart.
Guiding Quote
“The Catholic Church almost doesn’t even need a defense. It’s more like a lion; just let it out of its cage and it takes care of itself." - Dr. Scott Hahn
Key Points
Religious affiliation has dropped significantly in the past 40 years, with Covid adding an extra blow
The importance of relevance and leadership on the practice of faith
The cultural shift from believing that what oppresses man is sin, to the belief that oppression comes from human ignorance, which removes our need for a Saviour
Why Jesus must be central, and things which distract our gaze from him
Some basic psychology and why our lack of fulfillment leads us either to numb or to embrace faith
The importance of accepting responsibility as leaders and as the Church as a whole
The challenge faced by leaders of Christian institutions to stay true to Christ as we move away from Christendom
Why our podcast is not about answers, but rather engaging the questions of the heart
Discussion Questions
What stood out to you in this episode?
Examine your own life. Do you live as if Jesus is relevant to your everyday life? If not, why?
Are you numbing or avoiding in any areas of your life?
Where are the places that you appear to be Christian but you're not truly walking the walk?
CTV News Article: Number of Canadians reporting religious affiliations at all-time low: StatCan
Live Not By Lies, Rod Dreher (book)