Episode 88 - Where Do You Go For Life?
Where do you go for life?
How often do we pause to think about how we’re spending our time? Are the things that are taking up our attention truly making us feel alive? In this episode, Jake and Brett explore a list of the things they turn to for life. Naturally, prayer, close relationships and sports make the list, but there are also a few surprises!
Guiding Quote
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” - John 14:6
Key Points
What we mean when we say, “What gives you life?”
The misunderstanding of happiness and the tendency to go for an ‘all or nothing’ approach
Aristotle’s Four Levels of Happiness
Things that bring Jake and Brett life
The importance of relationships for our happiness
Learning to trust in God’s abundance
Helping in small ways can have a huge impact on the life of someone else
Discussion Questions
What struck you about this episode?
What brings you life and makes you feel alive? Are you doing those things?
What might you have to dial back in order to make space for more of what brings you life?
Aristotle’s Four Levels of Happiness, Spitzer Center
Suddenly Les Miserables (2012), song
Patrick Roy, NHL Hall of Fame