SE13:E3 - What is the Good Life with Dr. John Bergsma
Jake and Brett sit down this week and speak with Dr John Bergsma. They talk about “The Good Life” and how it relates to Dr. Bergsma’s personal faith and professional expertise. They touch on how the Catholic faith allows people to connect with the Father through both Scripture & Tradition and what cultivating a deeper relationship with the Lord might look like.
SE13:E2 - What is the Good Life with Bishop Scott McCaig, CC
Way of the Heart continues diving deeper into the theme of “the Good Life.” Joined by Bishop Scott McCaig, the guys dive into conversation regarding the 4 levels of happiness and how that contributes towards our fulfillment. They discuss how the levels of happiness help motivate us to become a better person and often leads to improving the quality of life for yourself and family.
SE13:E1 - Intro to the Good Life
Jake & Brett begin Season 13 with the primary question of “Are you happy?” They explain how this season they will be laying out the groundwork for a life worth living. Get ready to explore how we can all live more peaceful, loving and fulfilling lives this season.
SE13 Teaser: The Good Life
Jake & Brett tease their upcoming season called “The Good Life.” They share how excited they are and Brett calls it their most important series yet! Some great conversations, guests and life lessons are coming to you starting January 11th. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it!
SE12:E8 - Reflections on Season 12
Jake & Brett close out Season 12 with a conversation about Teddy Roosevelt’s “Man in the Arena” speech. They discuss how to deal with critics(including your internal one), strive for excellence and battle in the arena of sexuality.
SE12:E7 - BONUS EPISODE: Ignatian Discernment with Fr. Timothy Gallagher
In this bonus guest episode, Jake and Brett unpack the Fourteen Rules of Discernment with the modern master of discernment, Fr. Timothy Gallagher. Though they are simple, they are transformational for growth in the spiritual life.