SE13:E3 - What is the Good Life with Dr. John Bergsma
Jake and Brett sit down this week and speak with Dr John Bergsma. Dr. Bergsma is a professor at Franciscan University and one of the leading Scripture scholars in the nation. The guys talk about “The Good Life” and how it relates to Dr. Bergsma’s personal faith and professional expertise. They touch on how the Catholic faith allows people to connect with the Father through both Scripture & Tradition and what cultivating a deeper relationship with the Lord might look like.
Key Points
Why we need more than just the Bible as Catholics. How Scripture and Tradition work hand in hand.
What it means for a man to have access to his heart and how that awareness helps us to grow into better men.
What the good life means to Dr. Bergsma
Maximilian Kolbe - What is sin?
We are loved by a God that wants to be our Father
What is the weight of the word "good?"
Making "Nourish and Cherish" a central part of your relationships
Dr. Bergsma’s Website
Audio editing by Forte Catholic