Episode 64 - Rest (with Fr. Simon Lobo)

Fr. Simon Lobo returns to share about his water polo achievements, but more importantly, joins the guys for a deep and thought-provoking conversation on rest. Many men struggle to rest because of stress, our many responsibilities & consistent desire to achieve our goals. This episode will help you enter into rest in a way that leaves you feeling restored physically, mentally and spiritually. We hope this conversation equips and challenges you to adapt how you are able to rest and be restored by the Lord.


"Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest" (Matt 11:28) 

Key Points

  • We can see lots of dynamics in our hearts when we rest

  • Rest is a key part of restoration.

  • Relief and restoration are not the same thing

  • We can move from hard work to self-indulgence instead of moving into rest.

  • "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest" (Matt 11:28) 

  • Rest is received not produced

  • It can take time for our hearts to slow down enough to actually rest

  • Sonship is at the heart of rest

  • Go at the pace of grace

  • Rest is part of success in the spiritual battle

Discussion Questions

  • What struck you about this episode?

  • How would your past week have changed if you had asked this question more often: “Jesus, do you want me to do this?”

  • What do you turn to when you need restoration?

  • Do you believe that God can actually satisfy your heart?

  • What fills you up and restores you?



Episode 65 - Man Husband Father (with Patrick Sullivan)


Episode 63 - Advent (Part 2)