Episode 45 - St. John Paul II

with special guest Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB


Jake and Brett are joined by special guest, Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, Archbishop of Vancouver, to discuss the life and legacy of St. John Paul the Great.

Guiding Quote

“From the start I had great esteem and a cordial sympathy for the metropolitan of Kraków. But above all, right away, I felt strongly the human charm that emanated from him, and, from the way that he prayed, I sensed how profoundly united he was to God…Again and again during the years of my collaboration with him it became increasingly clear to me that John Paul II was a saint. ... John Paul II did not seek applause, nor did he ever look around anxiously, wondering how his decisions would be received. He acted on the basis of his faith and his insight and was willing even to suffer blows. The courage of the truth is in my view a first-class criterion of his sanctity” (Link to Zenit Article)

Key Points

  • Archbishop Michael shares how he believes that the office of Bishop is not supposed to be about the person

  • Pope Benedict is a great reference for the life of JPII

  • JPII was a man of intense prayer and courage

  • The Theology of the Body and the New Evangelization were unique contributions to the world and part of his lasting legacy

  • JPII realized that many people were Christian in the external sense and needed to be re-evangelized

  • A major challenge in our modern time is the eclipse of God

  • Living a life in Christ that is intriguing to others is missionary; we can live in such a way that gives an example that attracts

  • There is a very important difference between being distracted and being captivated

  • People are still attracted by goodness and heroism

  • We can witness to people in our everyday life

  • In sharing the Gospel we need to be attuned to the recipient

  • Catholic men need to be building one another more

  • Men have a great impact in the passing on the faith to their children

  • The Gospel doesn’t take away anything, it elevates it

  • Jesus’ life is deeply masculine

Discussion Questions

  • What struck you from this episode?

  • How has St. John Paul II impacted your life?

  • What part of Jesus' life strikes you as most masculine?


Picture of JPII referenced in the episode:

The imposition of hands by Pope St. Paul VI at Archbishop Michael's priestly ordination

Archbishop Michael's priestly ordination by Pope St. Paul VI

St. John Paul II in the mountains


Episode 46 - Living Easter


Episode 44 - Navigating COVID-19