Episode 26 - High Low
Jake and Brett take the regular high low segment of the show and extend it for an entire episode. They discuss in more depth how the way of the heart is very real, up and down, and often unresolved.
Key Points
Brett’s high: A recent trip to the Okanagan
As men we can be very intentional and strategic with work but we don’t apply those principles to family
Good families don’t happen accidentally
Jake’s high: A recent eight day personal retreat
It’s like you can do five years of spiritual growth on one retreat
(A two part series on Jake’s eight day retreat will be released soon)
We need to stop having unhealthy competition with each other as men
If you are a doer, a good workout can help your prayer life
If you want to talk authentically about the way of the heart you have to talk about lows
Brett’s low: the cancer of comparison
Sometimes discretion is needed in sharing your heart
Discussion Questions:
What struck you from this episode?
What is a high for you recently? How has it affected your heart? Your relationships with God and others?
What is a low for you recently? How has it affected your heart? Your relationships with God and others?
What have been some of the lies that have been suggested to you in the low? How have you responded?