Episode 17 - Disciplines: Mind Over Mattress & Journalling
Jake and Brett talk about two actions of disciples (disciplines), “mind over mattress” and journalling and how these disciplines are valuable on the way of the heart.
Key Points
Disciplines are actions of a disciple
A great omission is that Christians aren’t becoming and making disciples of all nations (see Matthew 28:18-20)
“Jesus is taking students in the masterclass of life.” (Dallas Willard)
Mind over mattress - get up each day when you say you are going to get up
"Conquer yourself each day from the very first moment, getting up on the dot, at a set time, without granting a single minute to laziness. If with the help of God, you conquer yourself in the moment, you have accomplished a great deal for the rest of the day. It's so discouraging to find yourself beaten in the first skirmish." (St. Josemaría Escrivá)
Journalling is a valuable way to remember what the Lord has done in our lives
The content in your journal can be very simple, even bullet points, themes of what’s happening in your heart
It’s ideal to journal to the Lord and not simply to yourself
Journalling allows you to remember what the Lord has done if we will go back and review what’s happened in the past
You can’t try a discipline once or twice and expect it to change everything - our hearts change much slower than that
Over time a discipline repeated actually develops virtue
Try it for two weeks and evaluate at the end of the two weeks if the discipline is bearing fruit
Daily, meaningful connection with our spouse is another important discipline
Worship music can help our emotions and our thinking
Other disciplines include scripture, fasting, repentance, and regular confession
Discussion Questions:
What struck you from this episode?
How might “mind over mattress” positively impact your life?
How might journalling positively impact your life?
What are one or two disciplines that you find helpful on the way of the heart?