Episode 16 - Brotherhood
Jake and Brett talk about the value and importance of brotherhood.
Key Points
We can mistakenly equate brotherhood with accountability
Accountability can become a shame based system
There is an important difference between guilt and shame…guilt is related to an action, shame is related to an identity
There is more to brotherhood than negative humour
There’s a major difference between running for 24 hours alone and running with a brother
It’s impossible to be close to one hundred men
Vulnerability is essential in brotherhood but can be overdone
Brotherhood is knowing, wanting, and choosing the good for your brother
A basic question to ask ourselves is, “Am I in this brotherhood for him or for me?”
It is better to say, “I don’t know what to say,” than to try to action you do
Most of the time brothers don’t need advice, they need strong, consistent presence
Being a brother calls forth masculinity
Father wounds and familial brother wounds affect our relationships with other men
Discussion Questions:
What struck you from this episode?
What has brotherhood been like in your life?
What is one way you could be a better brother?
Did the Father give you the names you call yourself?
Benjamin Turland - https://canadiancatholic.net/author/114