SE12:E4 - Men in the Arena: Fr. Raymond de Souza


Employing true critical thinking in our current cultural environment requires no small measure of courage. Our guest today, Fr. Raymond de Souza, is no stranger to making his thoughts known in the public sphere as one of the longest standing columnists for the National Post (among countless other titles and accolades). Father de Souza shares with Jake and Brett his proudest commentaries published by the paper, how his critical thinking was developed at the family dinner table, and the importance of reading books by those you do not agree with.

Discussion Questions

  1. What stood out to you in this episode?

  2. How would you describe the line between courage and arrogance? How can we be more courageous with voicing our opinions while not becoming arrogant?

  3. What do you think of Father de Souza’s encouragement to read more, especially books by those you disagree with?


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Audio editing by Forte Catholic


SE12:E5 - Men in the Arena: Fr. John Riccardo


SE12:E3 - Men in the Arena: Sam Blair