Episode 74 - St. Joseph (Part 2)

This week, Jake and Brett explore the topic of work and responsibility through the lens of St. Joseph the Worker. How does his example help us to grow as men in our work? How we handle our work reveals our character and our hearts. We can find profound meaning in responsibility. How does responsibility help us to mature, and how can St. Joseph help show us the way? The hosts provide insight into these essential questions, helping us identify how we can mature from boys into men.

Key Points

  • The role of responsibility in the life of a man. 

  • When a difficulty arises at work, ask “What would Joseph do?” 

  • We often bring our deep questions to work and this can be dangerous if we are looking for validation in those around us.

  • Intentionally and frequently put yourself in a place of being stretched because it puts us in a humble place where we acknowledge we might need help.

  • Take the lowest seat at the table.

  • Recognizing a good insight or idea alone is useless until it is prayed about and then assimilated into your life to the point that you begin making decisions based off of it.

Discussion Questions

  • What struck you about this episode?

  • Is there a tough situation you’re facing at work? What would Joseph do?

  • What is a task you get bogged down in that keeps you from more important work? How can you change that?

  • How can I find my meaning in my responsibilities as opposed to my work? 

  • When was the last time you challenged yourself at work? How did that go?

  • What does being a leader at home and at work mean to you?



Episode 75 - St. Joseph (Part 3): Creative Courage


Episode 73 - St. Joseph (Part 1)