Episode 71 - A Father's Love (with Fr. BJ Hamilton)
Brett & Jake are joined by Fr. BJ Hamilton for a conversation on the importance of sharing and showing love as a father. They discuss the similarities between the heart of a dad and that of a priest. They share hardships and triumphs and what they have learned about how to love better as a man.
Key Points
Brett shares a heavy heart about a family he and his wife are praying with through a tough situation
Jake shares about the rekindling of his relationship with Mary
Fr. talks about the struggle as a pastor on missing his flock during Covid.
There are many similarities between the heart of a good dad and a good priest
Choosing to continually do small acts of love builds up the will
Jesus didn’t just ask us to love one another, he commanded it.
Discussion on the importance of saying “I love you"
The importance of the interior lives of our priests and praying for them.
Discussion Questions
What struck you about this episode?
Who is a family that you know going through a tough situation that you can pray for today?
Who is a priest that you know that you can pray for today?-How is your relationship with Mary?
What is a small act of the will that you can consistently choose this week to love your family well?
There was a lot of focus on the St. John of the Cross quote this week. Where is somewhere in your life lacking love and how can you put love there?
Corpus Christi Youtube Channel (Fr. Hamilton's parish)