Episode 66 - Word of the Year

Jake and Brett kick off the show with their highs and lows involving conversations about being a Grandparent, empathy, presence over productivity and big news for Life Restoration Ministries. The topic this week is the Word of the Year. This is a practice that has become popular in recent years. Many use a Word of the Year generator to find their word but Jake and Brett share how they prayerfully discern their word and invite you to use the same process.


“The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a rule." (Ecclesiastes 9:17)

Key Points

  • Celebrating big events has been beautiful but difficult during the pandemic

  • Life Restoration Ministries in an official charity now! Find out more at LifeRestoration.ca

  • Being able to articulate what you are about and why it matters is crucial

  • As men, we need to consistently remind ourselves that presence to God and those we love is more important than our productivity

  • Prayerfully discern a word that will give your year anointing and perspective

  • The word should come from the context of a relationship with the Lord, not randomly generated.

  • The Father wants to let us know what he’s up to 

  • Share your word of the year with us on social media 

Discussion Questions

  • What struck you about this episode?

  • What is your mission in life?

  • Are you able to articulate that to anyone who asks who you are?

  • Have you gotten trapped in the productivity over presence mindset?

  • What steps can you take to avoid falling into it again?

  • Have you prayed about your word of the year?

  • Ask the Lord where he wants you to focus this year.



Episode 67 - Be Yourself


Episode 65 - Man Husband Father (with Patrick Sullivan)