Episode 60 - Importance of Character

Jake and Brett discuss the vital importance of character in men. Despite the negative cultural messages, authentic masculinity is good and needed. As men, we must decide who we will be before we decide what we will do. Articulating our values is necessary.

Guiding Principle

We must decide who we will be before we decide what we will do.

Key Points

  • There’s a strong message in the culture that says masculinity is bad

  • Authentic masculinity is very good

  • The occasion does not make the man, it shows what he is

  • We must decide who we will be before we decide what we will do

  • Being patient with ourselves as we grow is important

  • Life will present situations where values compete

Discussion Questions

  • What struck you from this episode?

  • How have you been impacted by the assault against authentic masculinity?

  • What values do you hold most dear? How do they affect your everyday decisions? 

  • What is your identity? What are you all about?

  • Share some values you have with a trusted friend and discuss how they are going.



Episode 61 - Relearning Masculinity with Morgan Snyder


Episode 59 - Men Who Shaped Us