Episode 58 - Eulogy Virtues

After sharing about an experience of attending a funeral, Jake and Brett talk about what some call the eulogy virtues, which are ways of living life that emphasize the character of a person more than their skills. 

Guiding Quotes

“What do you want to be remembered by? (Brett Powell)

Key Points

  • The things we want said about us at our funeral can but matters into perspective

  • We can miss wonderful depth of a truth or quote by just acknowledging it and not lingering with it

  • We live in a soundbite culture

  • Esse quam videri - “To be rather than to appear”

  • How we approach the eulogy virtues is completely different than how we approach the resume virtues

  • The eulogy virtues are really about our presence in the world

  • We need grace and the love of God poured into us

Discussion Questions

  • What struck you from this episode?

  • What would you like to be said at your funeral?

  • What are some “eulogy virtues” you admire?

  • What are some “resume virtues” you overemphasize?



Episode 59 - Men Who Shaped Us


Episode 57 - Masculinity (with Corey Robinson)