Episode 29 - Discernment of Spirits (Part 2)

Jake and Brett continue their conversation about discernment of spirits and discuss common false reasonings men struggle with including what it means to be a good, Catholic man.

Key Points

  • Doing self-reflection without tools or skill can feel like looking at a dim mirror: “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.” (1 Cor 13:12)

  • Discernment of spirits isn’t as complicated as it might sound

  • There is an important distinction to be made between spiritual and non-spiritual desolation - spiritual desolation relates to negative affect and the thoughts that are present in my relationship with God and while seeking to do His will

  • Non-spiritual desolation can become a springboard into spiritual desolation

  • Distinguishing spiritual and non-spiritual desolation is important because the rules of discernment don’t apply to non-spiritual desolation

  • As men we are designed to engage; resignation is so unhealthy for us

  • We could call the lack of engagement in men a communal work of the enemy

  • The enemy is regularly lying to us, these are the false reasonings mentioned in the rules of discernment

  • The false reasonings are usually believable and familiar and therefore they can be difficult to detect

  • A major obstacle for engaging is fear

  • Passive spirituality is different than receptive spirituality

  • The enemy plants false reasonings subtly in our hearts and nurtures them over time so it’s not obvious for us to detect and engage/root out

  • Intimacy isn’t a word or reality reserved just for women or sex

  • There can be some strong reasonings, possibly false reasonings, about what a good Catholic man is.

Discussion Questions:

  • What struck you from this episode?

  • What is the difference between spiritual and non-spiritual desolation? Why does this distinction matter?

  • Where do you struggle to engage in life? Where do you struggle to engage in your spiritual life?

  • What are some areas of life where you might be struggling with false reasonings?

  • How is your relationship with God these days? Where do you struggle to engage in your relationship with God?

  • How’s your image of God? What false reasonings might you have believed? Where might those have come from?

  • What have you believed about God speaking to people? What have you believed about God’s way of speaking with you? Where could there be false reasonings?

  • How would you define a good Catholic man? Are there any false reasonings there?



Episode 30 - Life After Retreats


Episode 28 - Discernment of Spirits (Part 1)