Episode 103 - Summertime


In this final episode of Way of the Heart before a summer hiatus, Jake and Brett discuss the feelings that the summer evokes for them and what this says about the Father’s heart.

Key Points

  • Brett recounts a hilarious story about a mistake at the hair salon

  • The feelings that summer brings up for Jake

  • Brett’s experience of family and summer at his friend’s cabin

  • The Father wants us to enjoy and live a full life

  • The deeper things that Jake connects with through riding his motorcycle

  • The importance of margin for self-care during times of break

  • Jake and Brett reminisce about good memories of golf

  • Send photos to us of how you find life this summer! Email us at info@wayoftheheartpodcast.com or tag us on social media.

Discussion Questions

  1. What stood out to you in this episode?

  2. What does the summer evoke for me? What feelings and/or passtimes come to mind?

  3. Do I believe that the Father wants summertime for me?

  4. Where do I find life, and what do I have to do to get it?


Audio editing by Forte Catholic


SE12:E1 - Men in the Arena (Introduction)


Episode 102 - Centre of the Universe