Episode 10 – Security Maturity Purity: Maturity II (Part 4 of 5)
In this episode, Brett and Jake continue the series on Security, Maturity, Purity with the second of two episodes on maturity.
Key Points:
We can’t seek validation while attempting to grow in maturity
Asking for help in the everyday situations of life, helps us learn and become more mature
Humility is essential to a mature masculine heart
A key aspect of maturation is learning to rely on the capacity and goodness of God
To depend on God requires me to let go of my expected outcomes
The story of Joseph in the Old Testament reminds us that we can trust that God is writing on a much bigger canvas
Jesus is brilliant and relevant
The interactions between Abba Father and Jesus in the Paschal mystery (Jesus’ passion, death, resurrection, ascension) offer important insights into trust and relationship in adversity
God the Father will ask something to die in us so something much greater can come to life
If we want new life, there’s no detour around the cross
Although it’s hard to see in the moment, the truth is that adversity is actually a gift
God has a kingdom for us to rule but we can’t rush to rule
“The primary work of God is finding men in whom He can entrust His Power” (Dallas Willard)
We are called to have influence with people, not power over people.
Leadership is not about more power or privilege, it’s about having more feet to wash
It is dangerous to grasp after power
Take heart. The adversity is an important part of the process of maturity.
Discussion Questions
Where in my life do I have power and influence? How do I use that for good? How do I use it for myself?
Where do I have self-mastery (the ability for my yes and no to be for the good of the other and myself)? Where does it need to grow?
Do I act to get from others? Or to bless from others?